Invited keynote speakers

01 2025-02

Qingquan Li | 李清泉


  Professor Li Qingquan is academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Vice President of Chinese Society for Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography (CSGPC). Long engaged in the theoretical and applied research of dynamic precision engineering measurement and spatial perceptual intelligence, he has achieved innovation in measurement theory, sensors, measurement technology, processing methods and high-end equipment adopting multidisciplinary and integrative approaches. Characterized by theoretical innovation, equipment development and industrial application, his research has served in the construction of highways, railways, bridges, tunnels, water conservancy, municipal infrastructure and smart cities in 32 provinces and cities in China, transforming China’s high-end measurement equipment from import to export. His research results include more than 30 projects of 973 Plan and National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), over 50 authorized national invention patents, 8 authorized international invention patents, 9 monographs, and over 300 academic papers.

   He has won 1 Second Prize of National Technology Invention Award, 1 Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, 1 National Science and Technology Progress Innovation Team Award, 1 Second Prize of National Teaching Achievement, and 7 first prizes of Science and Technology Progress at the provincial and ministerial levels. He was also the winner of Ho Leung Ho Lee Science and Technology Progress Award, National Award for Excellence in Innovation, and a top 2% scientist world by Stanford University for his wide career-long impact.

  李清泉教授,深圳大学党委书记,中国工程院院士,测绘遥感专家,长期从事动态精密测量创新理论和自主装备研究,发明研制公路、铁路、地铁、市政、水利等行业自主测量装备,在全国范围规模化应用。任中国测绘学会副理事长、国际城市信息学会副主席,曾任973首席科学家、863领域专家等。获国家技术发明二等奖1项,国家科技进步二等奖1项,何梁何利科技进步奖,全国创新争先奖和国际移动测量杰出贡献奖等。入选斯坦福大学 “终身科学影响力排行榜”。李清泉教授曾任武汉大学常务副校长,深圳大学校长,多年高校管理工作经历,积累了丰富的高等教育管理经验。