The 32nd International Conference on Geoinformatics in 2025
Time:      June 16-18, 2025
Address: Jiaozuo, China



The 32nd International Conference on Geoinformatics in 2025
GIScience for High-quality Development
June 16-18, 2025
Jiaozuo, China

The GeoInformatics Conference series was initiated by the International Association of Chinese Professionals in Geographic Information Sciences (CPGIS) in 1992 and has held thirty-one annual international conferences on geographic informatics all over the world. This international conference series has provided a unique platform for networking and exchanging new ideas and cutting-edge knowledge among diverse GIScience professionals worldwide.
GeoInformatics 2025 (the 32nd CPGIS Annual Conference) will be held on June 16-18, 2025 at the Huanghe Jiaotong University, Jiaozuo, China. The primary theme of the proposed conference is GIScience for High-quality Development. Addressing the challenges and opportunities of coordinated high-quality development we face in recent years, especially in the post-COVID-19 Era, Geoinformatics 2025 particularly encourages topics related to how geographic information sciences and technologies respond to regional high-quality development. Other presentations regarding cutting-edge research on or related to broadly defined geographic information sciences, technologies, and applications, are also welcome, as always.

To be announced.

March 31st, 2025

333 Yingbin Rd, Wuzhi County, Jiaozuo, China, 454950

College of Transportation, Huanghe Jiaotong University

To be announced.

English is the presenting language of the conference.

Submission and Acceptance:
Authors can choose to submit either an extended abstract or a full paper (but not both). Authors of accepted extended abstract or full paper will be invited to give oral or poster presentations in the conference. Acceptance priority will be given to submissions with concrete research results. Publications include the following: 

1) USB-drive publication: 
All accepted extended abstracts will be included in USB-drives that all participants to the conference will receive.

2) Conference proceedings by IEEE:
Authors of full papers can choose to publish their papers in the Conference Proceedings published by IEEE.

3) Special issue in peer-reviewed journals: 
Authors can choose to NOT publish their full papers in the conference proceedings, but instead submit them to special issues of international journals associated with the conference. If an author chooses to submit her/his paper to a journal, the paper must follow the format requirements of that particular journal and will go through the regular peer-review process of that journal.

Important Notes:
1)      For a full paper to be included in the proceedings, the author(s) must present it in the conference.
2)      Due to the copy right restriction, the authors can choose to publish, if accepted, their papers either in the Conference Proceedings or a journal, but NOT BOTH.

* The publication information may be subject to change, please check the conference website often.



Regular (US$)

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Non-CPGIS student member

